I don't know if you have noticed yet but our lives have been completely transformed both as a consumer and as one being in the transportation industry. With 79% of all American now shopping online compared to just 22% back in 2000, goes to show the scale of popularity and growth in online shopping. Thanks to retail giant like Amazon, Walmart and Target that focus on Ecommerce, triggering a meteoric rise in the demand of Final Mile deliveries.

Not only did every major retail player have to adapt to survive in this new era of consumerism but transportation companies had to evolve to keep up with the volume and additional stress that was being put on their networks. Consumers want faster fulfillments and shipper need to move more product at a faster pace. Below we will discuss some of the challenges and solutions for the Shipper, as everyone is evolving to keep this giant Ecommerce machine running smoothly.

Lets start with some of the challenges the Shipper is facing. With the consumer wanting faster fulfillments, the shipments that previously required one hour to process are now being forced into three-minute intervals, if not faster. The complexity are causing growing pains. With some products requiring specialized installation by skilled technicians upon delivery. Capacity is also a big issue for shippers. Difficulty finding carriers with the capability to fulfill the deliveries of large bulky items, special requirements, while also dealing with a driver shortage.

Solutions for Shippers

  1. Shippers hold products for consumers seeking to pick up at set locations
  2. Route Optimization Technologies.
  3. Offer better incentives for carries

Evolving to the 21st century of Shipping

Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough; you have to keep that attention for at least a few seconds. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from the others.

Vitaliy Pasechnik

Vitaliy has over 8 year industry experience in transportation and logistics. He is innovating thought leader when it come to operations and day-to-day management of resources and equipment.

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With transportation changing rapidly due to the E Commerce boom, we share our thoughts of how industries are adapting in the 21st Century.